Yes, High Blood Pressure Can Alter Your Hearing Health

High blood pressure is a pretty common condition. It is when the force of your blood flowing through your blood vessels is too high. This is bad because, over time, the high force of blood flow can damage your arteries and vessels by making them less elastic. In return, this can decrease the flow of oxygen and blood to your heart. Prolonged high blood pressure can also lead to a stroke, kidney disease, blindness, sexual dysfunction and even hearing loss.

But how does high blood pressure cause hearing loss? Well, you have to keep in mind that your inner ear is very vascular and very blood sensitive. Since high blood pressure can damage blood vessels all over your body, damage to the vessels in your inner ear will affect your hearing. The damage done by high blood pressure takes its toll over time. If your blood pressure stays high for a long period of time, the damage done to your inner ear can cause a permanent hearing loss.

While research has linked high blood pressure to hearing loss, some researchers have even called the ear “the window to the heart.” A study discover that a significant association was found between low frequency hearing loss and cardiovascular disease and its risk factors. Because of this study’s findings, researchers have concluded that a hearing evaluation can represent a screening tool for those at risk for cerebrovascular and peripheral arterial disease.

So, for the sake of your hearing health, monitor and control your blood pressure. Your physician will know how you can best lower and control it. Making a few lifestyle changes can help. In many cases, your doctor’s first recommendation will likely in one of these areas:

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Strive for a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.9.
  • Eat healthier. Eat lots of fruit, veggies and low-fat dairy, and less saturated and total fat.
  • Reduce sodium. Ideally, stay under 1,500 mg a day, but aim for at least a 1,000 mg per day reduction.
  • Get active. Aim for at least 90 to 150 minutes of aerobic and/or dynamic resistance exercise per week and/or three sessions of isometric resistance exercises per week.
  • Limit alcohol. Drink no more than 1-2 drinks a day. (One for most women, two for most men.)

You can find out more information about lowering your blood pressure through lifestyle changes by visiting the American Heart Association’s website here

Before making any lifestyle or dietary changes, always have a conversation with your physician first. But in the meantime, you can always call (814) 941-7770 to schedule your hearing evaluation at Lemme Audiology Associates.


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