
Waiting Can Make It Harder

Waiting Can Make It Harder

Here at Lemme Audiology, we see patients everyday with hearing loss, some of which have hearing aids, and some do not. Often, when people are first diagnosed with hearing loss, especially one they didn’t suspect, the question of “why get hearing aids now instead of...
Those Teeny Tiny Hearing Aids

Those Teeny Tiny Hearing Aids

Hearing aids come in all shapes and sizes, but how do you know which is right for you? We take many factors into consideration when helping you choose the best hearing aid for you. These include your lifestyle, your hearing needs as determined by testing, Bluetooth...
Do I Have Meniere’s Disease?

Do I Have Meniere’s Disease?

Meniere’s Disease and Vestibular Migraine have very similar symptoms and are often confused. Vestibular Migraine does not always come with a headache, despite the name. Most of the symptoms completely overlap between the two disorders.  Although they have similar...
“Do I Need a Vestibular Evaluation?”

“Do I Need a Vestibular Evaluation?”

“Do I Need a Vestibular Evaluation?” If you often feel dizzy, off-balance, or experience a spinning sensation called vertigo, you might wonder if a vestibular evaluation could help. This evaluation examines how well your inner ear and brain work together to keep you...
Hearing Tests for Work

Hearing Tests for Work

Employers often include surprising requirements such as mandatory hearing tests for specific jobs. Occupations such as police officers, military personnel, airport workers, and commercial drivers (including school bus and semi-truck drivers) all demand excellent...
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