
Hearing Tests for Work

Hearing Tests for Work

Employers often include surprising requirements such as mandatory hearing tests for specific jobs. Occupations such as police officers, military personnel, airport workers, and commercial drivers (including school bus and semi-truck drivers) all demand excellent...
What You Need to Know About Sudden Hearing Loss

What You Need to Know About Sudden Hearing Loss

Sudden hearing loss, also called SSNHL, is when your hearing suddenly gets much worse in one ear over a short time. It can happen out of the blue and makes people feel confused and worried about their hearing. The causes can be different, like infections, autoimmune...
Shooter’s Ear? What’s that?

Shooter’s Ear? What’s that?

Many shooters don’t think about their hearing health until it becomes a serious issue. Some have learned this lesson through personal experience, yet many recreational shooters and a significant number of hunters continue to put their hearing at risk every time they...
“Why Does My Voice Sound Different with Hearing Aids?”

“Why Does My Voice Sound Different with Hearing Aids?”

One of the first things new hearing aid users may notice is that their own voice sounds different when they put their hearing aids on. Why is that? Will it always sound different? Well, firstly, hearing aids make sounds louder, including your own voice. It’s...
“Can You Really Hear with Your Bones?”

“Can You Really Hear with Your Bones?”

Yes, through something called bone conduction! It’s a way of hearing that skips your ear canal. Instead, vibrations go straight to your inner ear through your skull bones. Your skull acts like a natural sound conductor. When something vibrates, like a speaker,...
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